biodiversity farming

Tabbil Forest is a 680acre property with a large dry rainforest in the foothills of the Barrington Tops National Park.

Jane Richens & Brian Doherty have been custodians of this endangered ecosystem for over 20 years and understand their approach as biodiversity farming – enhancing the rich biodiversity and learning as much as possible about it. They initiated the Paterson Allyn Williams Science & Ideas Hub to help themselves and the community understand this complex eco system and science generally.

Citizen science & nature journalling are some of the ways Jane and Brian have been looking, observing and documenting their environment. They are grateful for the careful observation and photographic documentation of the environment by Jane’s father Des.

Scientists & NPWS visit Tabbil Forest.

Understanding details of local bird species with watercolour & pencil – wompoo pigeon, topknot pigeon, grey butcher bird.

Forest insects – stinging tree leaf beetle & chequered cuckoo bee

Paterson Allyn Williams Science & Ideas Hub creates community engagement activities to communicate all aspects of science and broader ideas. Visit to see current and historic activities.